Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dental Care Chino

Dental Emergency Chino, CA

Do you need emergency dentistry Chino? Call us if...

  • Toothache treatment
  • Tooth knocked out
  • Gum/tongue/cheek injuries
  • Chipped/broken teeth
  • Lost filling/crown
  • Tooth loose
  • Abscess

No matter how much someone attempts to prepare ahead of time, accidents happen. Dental accidents and emergencies are no exception. Dental emergencies can include infections, tooth decay, damaged teeth, trauma to the mouth and more. By visiting a Chino emergency dentist, you are seeking the immediate care your teeth need.

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Emergency Dentist Chino CA

An emergency dentist Chino can provide urgent professional dental care for issues such as infection, damaged teeth, knocked out teeth and more. Emergency dental care is a standard service offered at Smile Artistry Chino Valley.

No matter how much someone attempts to prepare ahead of time, accidents happen. Dental accidents and emergencies are no exception. Dental emergencies can include infections, tooth decay, damaged teeth, trauma to the mouth and more. By visiting an emergency dentist, you are seeking the immediate care your teeth need.

Prolonging the time between injuring one's teeth and seeing an emergency dentist will only increase the chance of the issue causing, irreversible damage. By seeking treatment with us, we will provide the treatment needed to help prevent further damage or tooth loss. Our goal is to save as many natural teeth as possible while preserving the patient's oral health.

If you need a Chino emergency dentist, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible for professional dental treatment.

Emergency Dental Care Chino, CA

At Smile Artistry Chino Valley, we provide emergency dentistry Chino that helps to restore a tooth that sustains damage from an accident or infection. If you live in Chino or the surrounding area, we encourage you to save our phone number. Since there is no way to tell if or when you may have a dental emergency, putting (909) 627-6699 in your contact list can save you a trip to the emergency room.

Why we provide Chino emergency dental care services

We provide emergency dental care to ensure that patients can get the help they need right away. If you leave a damaged or infected tooth alone, you will risk the infection spreading.

Why should I visit you for emergency dental care instead of going to the ER?

While the physicians in the emergency room are skilled at treating health emergencies, they are not familiar with dental care. They can triage any problem that you have by helping to stop the bleeding, but they will not be able to restore a damaged tooth. Likewise, if you visit an emergency room due to dental pain, they can provide you with pain relief but cannot find out what is causing the pain and work to solve it. This is why you need to visit the dentist instead. Remember that even if you go to the emergency room, you will still likely need to visit the dentist anyway. Visit us for emergency dental care instead to save yourself the extra pain, time and money.

What types of procedures does a Chino emergency dentist perform?

At Smile Artistry Chino Valley, our team provides the same type of services that you can receive during a traditional dental visit. The two most common issues that we address during emergency dentistry visits are:


It is actually fairly common for teeth to sustain damage in an accident. The damage can be due to a standard car accident, workplace injury, sports accident or other situation. While most adults do not think about cracking a tooth while playing a pickup game of basketball – it happens. These casual everyday events can lead to sudden tooth damage and if they do, you need to be sure to repair the damage as soon as possible. While providing emergency dental care, we can fix a cracked tooth, chipped tooth or even a tooth that is knocked out.

If you need an immediate dental restoration in the Chino area, visit our Chino dental office. For fast results we can use dental bonding. This is a resin, tooth-colored material that can be placed on top of your tooth, shaped, and hardened using a special dental light. It can be completed in one sitting so that you can walk in with a chipped tooth and leave with a fully restored one. Other solutions like dental veneers and dental crowns are also available to correct damage but typically require two visits to do so.

We can also provide emergency dentistry Chino if your tooth has been knocked out due to an accident or has fallen out after becoming loose. If you can find the tooth, rinse it and put it in a cup of milk, then come to our Chino dental center right away. There is a possibility that the tooth can be put back in your mouth. Otherwise, we can discuss replacement options that include dentures, a dental bridge, or a dental implant. All of these are possibilities that can appear completely natural so to learn more about them, call (909) 637-4637.

Check out what others are saying about our emergency dental services on Yelp:  Emergency Dental Care Chino


With emergency dental care, we see a lot of California patients that are suffering from a major toothache. This is a top reason that people seek out care right away instead of waiting for Monday or for the dentist to open in the morning. When a toothache strikes it can be debilitating and we can provide relief. The good news is that it does not have to be. At Smile Artistry Chino Valley, we have found that most toothaches do not happen without warning. Typically, there are signs that can include discomfort when biting down, sensitivity to heat or cold, irritation when brushing or flossing, etc. If you sense any of these things, we encourage you to call (909) 637-4637 and schedule an appointment for a dental exam. We can examine your teeth, look for any signs of infection or decay and treat the problem before you go from moderate discomfort to a raging toothache. Our friendly Chino staff can work with you to schedule an appointment that fits within your schedule so that you have no reason to delay in seeking treatment. However, if you do not come in right away and develop a bad toothache, we want to see you.

One of the common reasons for a bad toothache is severe decay or an infection. To resolve this issue, we may need to perform a root canal. We can do this while providing you with emergency dental care. Since the discomfort is caused by the infection, removing it will help you to feel better right away. First, we will numb the area and provide you with anesthesia and then create a small hole in your tooth so that the infected portion of it can be removed. Once done, the area will be cleaned before it is sealed. We will do everything available to safely ensure that the procedure is comfortable. After we finish the procedure, you will begin to feel significantly better than when you first came in. Sometimes it is also necessary to restore the tooth with a dental filling or crown. If this is the case we can either complete that portion of the procedure immediately or schedule a second appointment to do so.

Call Smile Artistry Chino Valley for Emergency Dental Care Chino

If you live in Chino, CA or the surrounding area, call (909) 637-4637 if you have any type of dental emergency. We will work to get you treated right away so that your discomfort can be relieved, your tooth restored, and your smile improved. We can also discuss any other oral health concerns that you may have.

Reasons for Needing an Emergency Dental Visit in Chino

Emergency DentistThe American Dental Association reported that the number one cause of adult tooth damage every year is playing sports. This spans all types of athletics and creates the need for emergency appointments throughout Chino CA. Even a backyard game of basketball can lead to someone damaging a tooth or someone knocking a player's tooth out. The same holds true for kids playing sports as well. While there are ways to protect yourself like wearing a mouth guard, a dental emergency is still possible. When an emergency strikes call 909-637-4637.

Car accidents are another leading cause of tooth injury. While the enamel on your teeth is strong, it may not be strong enough to prevent your tooth from breaking when colliding with the steering wheel. With millions of accidents a year, teeth are a common victim. We recommend that patients of Smile Artistry Chino Valley get examined at a local emergency room after being in a car accident; just to make sure that they have not sustained any physical injuries. Afterwards, call us for a Chino Emergency Dentistry appointment. The emergency room does not treat tooth damage, so you will need to see both types of medical providers.

Chino Emergency Dentist

Severe and sudden toothaches are another reason people in California end up needing an emergency dentist. Our emergency dentist Chino can examine teeth and determine what is causing the pain. It may be a little cavity that grew into a big one and now requires a root canal. Another possibility is gum disease, which can cause the gums to recede, exposing the tooth and roots. Both can lead to intense pain and require emergency treatment. We do not want patients of Smile Artistry Chino Valley to experience oral pain and will do our best to treat you right away so that you can remain comfortable.

If a tooth infection is left untreated for a long period of time, it can lead to a dental abscess. This is extremely painful. An abscess is a major tooth infection that can settle into your jawbone and the floor of your mouth. If it does, oral surgery may be necessary in order to remove the infection. We can let you know if we see an abscess during your dental exam with Dr. Vijaya Cherukuri.

99% of dental related emergency room trips could have been handled by an emergency dental office for a fraction of the cost.
AHRQ, November 2012

How can I relieve dental pain while waiting for an emergency dental appointment?

We can help patients to stay comfortable and live a life that is pain-free. If you visit Smile Artistry Chino Valley experiencing pain, we will identify what is creating the issue and the treatment options available for dealing with it. Often, we will also prescribe medication to help with the pain. This can prevent you from feeling discomfort while your tooth is being treated and at home. You may also want to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the area in order to reduce or prevent swelling.

Chino Emergency Dental Treatment Options

When a tooth has fallen out…
If your tooth has been knocked out, try to find it. Once located, rinse the tooth under warm water without scrubbing it. Next, place it in a cup of milk and bring it with you to your dental appointment. We will try to save the tooth, if possible. If not, we will discuss options for replacing the tooth. This may include dentures, a dental bridge or dental implants.

72% of Americans have some type of restorative dental work. 23% of all dental emergencies are related to the restorations.
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When a tooth is broken…
It is common for people to damage a tooth while playing sports or getting into a car accident. It is likely that the tooth will become cracked or chipped. As long as the tooth structure remains in place, we can typically correct it with various dental treatment options. There are multiple ways that we can restore a patient's teeth. Some of which include dental veneers and a dental crown. Both are excellent options and can restore your tooth to full functionality while keeping it natural looking. As an emergency dental facility, we can provide you with information on what your options are and the best way to restore your tooth while achieving the goals that you have for your smile. To schedule an appointment with Chino emergency dentist, call (909) 637-4637.

When a tooth is infected…
As an emergency dentist Chino, we will assess the situation and inform you of where the infection is and the best way to quickly treat it. Our job is to keep you comfortable, healthy and pain-free. Patients trust us to remove infections and keep their teeth and gums in excellent oral health. Whether fixing a general cavity or treating a dental abscess, we make it possible for a tooth to be free from infection and pain. We can resolve the issue in a way that keeps patients comfortable during any necessary procedures.

How can an emergency dentist Chino help me?

At Smile Artistry Chino Valley we strive to keep our patients comfortable and free from injury or pain. As such, we are cognizant of the fact that most dental emergencies are unplanned. If your tooth has been damaged or you are in pain, call 909-637-4637 right away so that we can schedule your appointment with Chino emergency dentist and treat the issue quickly. Our friendly staff will do our best to accommodate your schedule and ensure that you can get back to a life that is free from oral pain. While many dentists, require you to schedule appointments far in advance – our staff will work with you in each situation to get you the necessary treatment right away. You can also help to avoid dental emergencies by receiving teeth cleanings twice a year and maintaining a healthy diet year-round.

There is a much higher rate of Chino emergency dental visits in families with annual incomes less than $35k. Don't let the cost of care get in the way of your oral health, call us for financing options.

Emergency Dentist FAQ

Q. What is a dental emergency?

A. A dental emergency involves any situation that poses an immediate threat to your oral health and requires prompt treatment to alleviate severe pain, stop bleeding, or save a tooth. Common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe toothache with swelling
  • Knocked-out tooth  
  • Displaced or fractured tooth  
  • Uncontrollable bleeding in the mouth  
  • Abscess or infection with swelling  
  • Severe pain from braces or other orthodontic appliances  
  • Lost filling or crown with significant pain  

Q. Should I go to the ER instead of the dentist?

A. While the ER is crucial for life-threatening emergencies, a dentist is best equipped to handle dental-specific issues. You should go to the ER if:

  • You have difficulty breathing or swallowing.  
  • You experience severe facial trauma that may involve other injuries.  
  • You have uncontrollable bleeding that doesn't stop after 10-15 minutes of direct pressure.  
  • You have a fever with facial swelling.  

For isolated dental issues like a knocked-out tooth, severe toothache, or broken tooth, contacting Smile Artistry Chino directly is usually the most efficient way to receive appropriate care.

Q. What should I do if I have a toothache?

A. If you have a toothache, take these steps:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Gently floss to remove any trapped food particles.  
  • Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling.  
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication as directed.

Contact Smile Artistry Chino immediately for an appointment. Do not delay, as a toothache can indicate a serious underlying issue.  

Q. If I hurt my tooth in a car accident, can I wait a day or two before seeking dental treatment?

A. No. You should seek immediate dental treatment after a car accident that impacts your teeth. Delaying treatment can lead to:

  • Infection
  • Tooth loss
  • More extensive and costly repairs later
  • Increased pain

Even if the damage seems minor, a professional assessment is crucial. Contact Smile Artistry Chino or seek emergency dental care right away.

Q. Can the ER treat any damage to my teeth?

A. The ER can provide initial care for facial trauma and address pain management. However, they are not equipped to provide comprehensive dental treatment. They can stabilize a situation, but you will still need to follow up with a dentist at Smile Artistry Chino for proper restoration and long-term care.  

Q. What can I do if I damage my tooth?

A. The actions you take depend on the type of damage:

  • Knocked-out tooth: Gently rinse the tooth (do not scrub), and try to place it back in the socket. If this isn't possible, store it in milk or your own saliva and get to Smile Artistry Chino immediately. Time is critical for saving the tooth.  
  • Fractured or broken tooth: Rinse your mouth with warm water, apply a cold compress, and contact Smile Artistry Chino immediately.
  • Displaced tooth: Do not attempt to reposition the tooth yourself. Contact Smile Artistry Chino immediately.
  • Lost filling or crown: If you're experiencing pain, use dental wax or sugarless gum to temporarily cover the area. Contact Smile Artistry Chino for a replacement as soon as possible.  

Q. What should I do if my child's permanent tooth is knocked out?

A. Find the tooth and rinse it gently in cool water. (Do not scrub or clean it with soap — use only water!) If possible, replace the tooth in the socket immediately and hold it there with clean gauze or a wash cloth. If you can't put the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container with cold milk, saliva or water. Get to the Emergency Dentist immediately. The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth.

Q. What should I do if my child's baby tooth is knocked out?

A. Contact your emergency dental office as soon as possible. The baby tooth should not be replanted because of the potential for subsequent damage to the developing permanent tooth.

Q. What if a tooth is chipped or fractured?

A. Contact your emergency dentist immediately. Quick action can save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling if the lip also was injured. If you can find the broken tooth fragment, place it in cold milk or water and bring it with you to the dental office.

Q. What about a severe blow to the head or jaw fracture?

A. You need immediate medical attention. Keep in mind that an emergency medical team might be able to reach you faster than you can get to the hospital. A severe head injury can be life-threatening.

Q. What if my child has a toothache?

A. Call our Chino dental office immediately. Over-the-counter children's pain medication, dosed according to your child's weight and age, might ease the symptoms. You may apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth to the face in the area of the pain, but do not put heat or aspirin on the sore area.

Q. How do I know I need an emergency dentist?

A. You need an emergency dentist if you experience any of the following:

  • Severe, persistent toothache that doesn't subside with over-the-counter pain relievers.  
  • Knocked-out or avulsed tooth.
  • Chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth with significant pain or bleeding.  
  • Severe swelling in the face, gums, or neck.
  • Uncontrollable bleeding from the mouth.
  • Abscess (a painful, pus-filled infection).  
  • Loose or displaced teeth.
  • Damage to orthodontic appliances that causes severe pain.  

If you are unsure, it is always best to call Smile Artistry Chino. We can assess your symptoms and determine if an emergency appointment is necessary.

Q. If I hurt my tooth in a car accident, can I wait a day or two before seeking dental treatment?

A. Absolutely not. Immediate dental treatment is essential after a car accident that affects your teeth. Delaying treatment can lead to serious complications, including:  

  • Infection
  • Tooth loss
  • Increased pain and discomfort
  • More extensive and costly future treatments
  • Even seemingly minor damage can worsen quickly. Contact Smile Artistry Chino or seek emergency dental care immediately.

Q. What can I do to relieve dental pain?

A. For temporary relief of dental pain:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling.  
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, following the recommended dosage.
  • Gently floss to remove any trapped food particles.  
  • Avoid hot, cold, or sugary foods and drinks.
  • If you have a lost filling or crown, you can use dental wax or sugar-free gum to temporarily cover the sensitive area.  
  • Contact Smile Artistry Chino Immediately. These are only temporary solutions.

Q. What dental services can help treat an infection?

A. Smile Artistry Chino offers several treatments for dental infections, including:

  • Root canal therapy: To remove infected pulp from the tooth.
  • Antibiotic treatment: To combat bacterial infections.
  • Tooth extraction: In severe cases where the tooth cannot be saved.
  • Drainage of abscesses: To remove pus and alleviate pressure.  
  • Our dentists will assess the severity of the infection and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

Q. What should I do if I have a toothache?

A. If you have a toothache:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Gently floss to remove any trapped food.  
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheek.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication.

Contact Smile Artistry Chino as soon as possible. A toothache is often a sign of a more serious underlying issue that requires professional attention.  

Q. What is the most durable tooth replacement?

A. Dental implants are widely considered the most durable and long-lasting tooth replacement option. They offer several advantages:  

  • They fuse with the jawbone, providing a stable and secure foundation.  
  • They look and function like natural teeth.
  • They can last a lifetime with proper care.
  • They help prevent bone loss.

Smile Artistry Chino can evaluate your individual needs and determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. Other options include bridges and dentures.

88% of all emergency dental visits could have been prevented by routine care.
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Definition of Dental Emergency Terminology
AbscessA dental abscess is a pocket of pus the forms in the tooth root from a bacterial infection.
Facial CellulitisFacial cellulitis is a condition in which an infection from an abscess or plaque in the teeth causes pain and spreads throughout the face.
Impacted Wisdom ToothAn impacted wisdom tooth is a tooth that does not erupt from the gums properly that can cause pain and become infected without professional extraction.
Irreversible PulpitisIrreversible pulpitis is when the pain in the tooth occurs spontaneously or continues to hurt after the patient removes the hot/cold substance that was causing pain. Normal pulpitis will cease hurting directly after removing what is causing the pain.
Lateral LuxationLateral luxation is the displacement of a tooth that moves it in the wrong direction while it is still attached to the gums.
PericoronitisPericoronitis is the inflammation of soft tissues surrounding a tooth that does not fully erupt from the gums and causes pain.
Tooth AvulsionTooth avulsion is when the tooth completely displaces from the socket due to an accident or other health issues. We can replant the tooth if the patient seeks immediate care.
Tooth FractureA tooth fracture can result from multiple sources including an accidental elbow to the face during a sports game, biting on something really hard, falling face first and more.

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